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Music Lessons and Marketing

Feb 28, 2019

Are you struggling to grow your music studio? Do you need more Your website is most likely the culprit.

It's true. Your website could actually be hurting your business. If your website does not follow the basic rules of messaging and design you could be leaving money on the table. You could be...

Feb 25, 2019

Why is Danny Thompson's music school, The Music Factory, so successful? How is he able to achieve such massive growth? Why are his employees so happy?

Listen to this episode to find out why.

To learn Danny's secret to success download his free module from his coaching program and check out his podcast.

Danny is...

Feb 21, 2019

AMAZING OFFER AT THE END OF SHOW! In 2011 Borders went out of business. Barnes and Noble survived. I was in shock. How could this happen? Borders seemed indestructible. If it could happen to Borders it seemed like it could happen to anyone. Maybe it could happen to me and my growing music school.  What is the lesson to...

Feb 14, 2019

In this episode I talk about the value of recording yourself on a sales calls. You might be pleasantly surprised at how good you sound. You'll for sure cringe at times but it's a lesson learned.

I recorded myself and listened to a series of my sales phone calls. I was thrilled to hear the progress I made over...

Feb 7, 2019

Who's the real customer in your business-the parent or the child?

Both of course, but Mom plays a unique role in the lesson experience.  The child has the hands-on experience but there’s something in this for mom. It might not be what you think.

Mom probably took music lessons as a child. She probably hated them....