Jun 25, 2019
Music studio owner Eric Bourassa isn't afraid to take risk. A few years ago he switched all of his students from private lessons to group lessons.
Students began dropping out.
But not enough to damage his business. Not enough to take away from infusion of cash this change made. The students who stayed were thrilled with...
Jun 20, 2019
I cannot tell you the amount of hours that I have spent worrying and stressed out about employees. Even losing sleep over employees.
There's always that one employee. He or she is a great instructor, but is just a real pain in the butt. The thought of firing them is stressful because you...
Jun 13, 2019
I’ll never forget the first time a mom gave me the heads up that her son had autism prior to his first guitar lessons. My only reference to this condition was from Dustin Hoffman in Rainman. The boy was 13 and his name was Spencer. I was a little nervous about what this kid was going to be like and how this first...
Jun 6, 2019
Successful marketing is marketing that grabs peoples attention, sparks curiosity and stirs up desire. So much so-that people feel compelled to take action. And take action right now.
So how do you get people to act-to sign up for your music lessons? Social media, direct mail, email marketing, SEO, yard signs?