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Music Lessons and Marketing

May 28, 2020

5 music studio owners share their creative solutions to elevating the online teaching experience.

May 22, 2020

Do you wonder what your customers are thinking right now? Do you wonder what their thoughts are about Zoom lessons and how they feel about virtual summer camp?

Don't guess, Ask!

May 14, 2020

In this episode, I speak with studio owners  John Kozicki, Vicki Workman, Rob Spampinato, Eric Bourassa and James Stockton about how they've re-energized their business during COVID-19

May 7, 2020

You've done the big online pivot from physical to virtual.  Now your marketing and messaging should follow. In March your customers were interested in their children being better-happier people. Now your customers are worried about their children's mental and emotional health. They're worried about the isolation their...