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Music Lessons and Marketing

Jun 26, 2020

The world has changed, consumers have changed and music studios need to keep pace. We live in a world of uncertainty and that is the only certainty of the moment.

In a recent episode of Music Lesson Business Academy, host Danny Thompson and founder of Rock Out Loud Live, Mike Grande discuss how COVID-19 has impacted...

Jun 18, 2020

Customers take a journey as they compare your music studio to the competition. There are little touchpoints along the way that influence who they ultimately choose. The music studio that makes the most of these touchpoints is the studio that will get the customer.

Jun 11, 2020

Trying to persuade your customers to choose the more expensive option, so you can make more money is a sham. It's unethical and will ultimately come back to kick you in the caboose. Trying to persuade your customers to choose the more expensive option because you believe it will better help them achieve their dreams...

Jun 5, 2020

What do your customers really think about you? What do they appreciate most about you and your studio? Is it customer service? Is it the quality of the music lesson? Is it the musical standards your studio upholds? Los Rios Rock School asked their customers "What do you like most about LRRS?" and recorded their answers...