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Music Lessons and Marketing

Oct 22, 2021

Why do parents seek out music lessons? Do parents expect or hope for different results from music lessons as opposed to other activities?

We could guess and speculate what drives our customers. The better we understand our customer's motivations the better we can not only market to them, the better we can customize our...

Oct 15, 2021

Why is it that some music schools are able to grow a business with hundreds of students while others struggle to scale at this level?

In this episode, I interview Maury and Raquel Kelly who have built a highly successful music school with 300+ students. The Kelly's share their secrets as to how they have been able to...

Oct 8, 2021

It happens to the best of us. Your music school grows and grows and then seems to get stuck. For whatever reason, your enrollment hits a ceiling that seems impossible to breakthrough. 

In part 1 of this 3 part series, music school owner Eric Bourassa and I pop open the hood of his music teaching business to examine...

Oct 4, 2021

Something that is remarkable is worthy of remark.  By creating remarkable moments for your students you're creating moments that your customers are likely to share with others. 

The secret to word-of-mouth marketing is inspiring the families in your studio to share remarkable moments that were facilitated by your music...