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Music Lessons and Marketing

Mar 25, 2022

An operations manual is a set of instructions that tells your business what to do. Every single moving part of your business should be documented in an operations manual. Not only will it help turn your music school into a well-oiled machine, but it also is the best insurance policy you could have for your music school.

Mar 18, 2022

Trying to get your office staff excited about honing their skills in sales can prove to be a challenge. In this episode, I share with you how to gamify sales trainings to help motivate your staff to develop better skills techniques.

Mar 11, 2022

In this episode, I share a 7-step framework you can use when conducting a sales call. It’s a framework that you probably implement on some level in any conversation you have. It emphasizes listening and empathy over persuasion and pressure. This framework allows you to customize your sales pitch for each prospective...

Mar 6, 2022

There are six business functions in your music school. Every action in your business falls under one of these six categories. Your music school will turn into a well-oiled machine by creating a set of instructions and processes for each category.