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Music Lessons and Marketing

Feb 25, 2021

Does this sound like you? You watched some YouTube videos on  Facebook ads, you even enrolled in an online Ads Manager course but still, your ads aren't attracting new leads or customers.  Everyone else seems to be having success with Facebook ads. Clearly Facebook isn't the problem.  

Advertising is an obvious tactic...

Feb 19, 2021

Saying that your music lessons are 'fun' is a great place to start. But how do you bring 'fun' to life in your music lessons? In this episode, I explore different ways to incorporate your marketing message into your music lessons. 

Feb 15, 2021

As the COVID vaccine makes its rounds and people feel like it's safe to get back in the water, an in-person summer camp could be a real possibility by June or July. 

In this episode, I edit a combination of podcasts and Facebook videos I did last year on summer camp marketing and programming.

This episode contains...

Feb 4, 2021

If you answer YES, to any of these questions then this episode was meant for you!

    1. Do you ever feel like your spinning your wheels when it comes to your marketing?
    2. Have you been knocking out Facebook and Instagram posts for years but not really sure if it's worth the effort?
    3. Have you wasted hundreds of dollars on...